Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Plano, TX.
Case #33086
This 50-year-old Asian gentleman is shown before and one year after a revision rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. Before, he had a silicone implant that caused a contracted, distorted nasal tip as well as an under augmented nasal bridge that showed shrink wrapping of the implant. Dr. Lam rotated his nasal tip downward to camouflage his nostrils and to create a more masculine profile that was natural in appearance. He also corrected the asymmetric nostrils. He used diced rib cartilage with Tisseel to build the bridge and a caudal septal extension graft to define the nasal tip and to lower and lengthen the nasal tip in a secure way.
Case #27936
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 56-year-old Asian woman had a prior rhinoplasty performed elsewhere with a silicone implant and had 2 subsequent revisions. This was her fourth revision rhinoplasty showing a contracted nasal tip, asymmetry, and a tip to bridge ratio that did not look natural. She also had collapsing nasal walls during inspiration. She underwent removal of her prior implant, lateral turn-in flaps, lateral alar wall graft support, caudal septal extension graft to derotate and project her nasal tip, nasal sill reduction, a diced rib graft to rebuild the dorsum of her nose. She is shown before and 3 months after her surgery. She should continue to look better over time.
Case #21760
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 40-year-old woman is shown before and 16 months after a revision rhinoplasty. She was unhappy with the appearance of her nasal tip and she could not breathe from the left side of her nose. During the procedure a left spreader graft was placed so that now she can breathe well. She also had her previous nasal tip graft removed that was causing the distortion and asymmetry to her nasal tip. Her columella that was buckled was straightened. However, she does have a small residual deviation of the nasal tip that was not entirely corrected. She also had dice cartilage wrapped with mastoid fascia and placed onto the over-resected middle nasal vault. She also had her nasal bones realigned and straightened.
Case #22662
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty, Lip Reduction (Corrective and Ethnic)
This 34-year-old patient African-American gentleman is shown before and one week after a revision rhinoplasty/nose job and lip reduction. Of note, for his rhinoplasty, he underwent nasal hump reduction and osteotomies to lower the hump and to narrow the nose. He had his radix elevated with diced rib graft with Tisseel, lateral turn-in flaps to narrow the nose along with double-dome binding sutures and a caudal septal extension graft to create a stronger tip and to elevate a sagging nose. He also could not breathe well and now has perfect breathing.
Case #14544
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose)
This A Photo Of A Woman Who Underwent Previous Rhinoplasty Leading To An Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14577
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 16 Year Old Boy Sustained A Nasal Fracture When He Was Much Younger With A Resultant Saddle Nose Deformity. He Is Shown After Reconstruction Of The Nose Using Ear And Nasal Cartilage. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #17308
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This woman underwent a revision (corrective) rhinoplasty with Dr. Sam Lam after experiencing a failed attempt at previous rhinoplasty. She is shown before and after her surgery that required a hump reduction, tip refinement, and tongue-in-groove technique to improve the relationship between the ala and the columella (hanging columella).
Case #14571
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Male Rhinoplasty Photo (Traumatic Nose Injury & Bulbous Nasal Tip)
This Photo Shows A Man Who Sustained A Traumatic Nose Injury In Youth And Is Shown With A Crooked Nose As Well As An Unaesthetic, Bulbous Nasal Tip. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14574
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Revision Nose Surgery Photo
The Photo Of This Gentleman Sustained Injury To His Nose In The Past And Required Revision Nose Surgery To Improve Both His Breathing And His Nasal Appearance. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14580
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This Woman Underwent Previous Rhinoplasty With A Resulting Pinched, Collapsed, And Unnatural Look. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14547
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Traumatic Nose Injury)
The Photo Of This Woman Sustained A Traumatic Nose Injury In Youth And Is Shown With A Crooked Nose As Well As An Unaesthetic, Bulbous Nasal Tip. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14552
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma)
This Young Man Underwent 3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma, All Without Success. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14588
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This Young Lady Sustained A Volleyball Accident That Led To An Even Larger Hump Than What She Already Had. Preserving A Strong Dorsal Profile But Reducing This Large Hump Softens Her Appearance And Gives Her More Of A Feminine Look That Is Completely Natural In Appearance. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14558
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Saddle Nose Deformity From Injury)
This Young Man Sustained An Injury To His Nose When He Was A Boy Playing Hockey. He Had Collapse Of The Central Third Of His Nose (A Saddle Nose Deformity). Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14561
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Female Rhinoplasty Photo (Collapsed Nose From Trauma)
This Young Hispanic Lady Shows Both A Collapsed Nose From Previous Trauma As Well As An Unaesthetic Nasal Tip. She Also Could Not Breathe Well On Her Right Side. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14566
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Buckled Deformity Of Middle Nasal Vault From Trauma)
This Woman Sustained Major Trauma To The Nose Creating A Buckled Deformity Of Her Middle Nasal Vault (The Upper Lateral Cartilages). Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14555
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Crooked Nose Deformity From A Previous Traumatic Injury)
This Young Man Exhibits A Crooked Nose Deformity From A Previous Traumatic Injury. He Underwent Open Reduction Of His Nasal Fracture And Shows A Straighter Nasal Profile. Of Note, His Breathing Is Also Significantly Improved. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #33909
This is a subtle revision rhinoplasty result seen better on closeup. The patient did not like how the tip was too rounded without definition (a unitip) (better seen from oblique view) and the deviation to the bridge (better seen from frontal view) as well as the fact that the tip was slightly too large for the bridge (better seen from oblique and side views). Dr. Lam underwent a revision rhinoplasty for her to separate her nasal tip to create more definition and refinement and straightened her nasal bridge along with raising the bridge slightly to match the nasal tip size. She is shown before and 5 months after surgery. She should have ongoing improvement over this year.