Injectable Rhinoplasty

Injectable Rhinoplasty Results Nose Job Results
It is very much in vogue today to try to avoid surgery by undergoing injectable treatments with fillers in the nose. Dr. Lam is a master at filler treatments for the entire face and also performs numerous injectable rhinoplasties as well. He does so using a specialized microcannula with a blunt tip to minimize complications and to increase his ability to perform delicate adjustments with his injection. He believes that injectable rhinoplasty is a valuable way of enhancing nasal appearance but has several drawbacks that he tries to articulate to his patients. First, injectable rhinoplasty is ineffective in changing the nasal-tip appearance because the overlying skin is very adherent to the underlying cartilage. It is, however, very good at raising the nasal bridge. Second, if you are seriously considering nose surgery, Dr. Lam prefer not to perform injectable rhinoplasty because repeated injections can compromise the safety of a surgical procedure due to changes in blood flow to the nose. Third, because fillers settle down, the repeated injections can additively exceed the initial cost of rhinoplasty. Fourth, injectable rhinoplasties can only modify the nose minimally when compared with nose surgery and only make the nose larger to make the nose appear smaller through illusion and design. If you understand these limitations well, then Dr. Lam is happy to perform this procedure safely and effectively with a gentle hand and an astute artistic eye.

Before and After


Before and After Injectable Rhinoplasty

View our gallery of Injectable Rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas.
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How Much Does Injectable Rhinoplasty Cost?

Injectable Rhinoplasty cost varies greatly depending on a variety of criteria. Price is dependent on factors like the number of injections required as well as the severity of the cosmetic issues being addressed. Please contact our office for more information.

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“What a people, what a doctor, what a nurse, what a staff! Unbelievable service, treatment and professionals.”


Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Sam Lam is a highly skilled and experienced facial aesthetic expert who specializes in injectable rhinoplasty. Recognized as one of the best aestheticians in Dallas, Dr. Sam Lam is dedicated to providing the best results Dallas has to offer. Contact Lam Facial Plastics today to schedule a consultation for your injectable rhinoplasty treatment.

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