Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Plano, TX.
Case #38377
This 46-year-old woman is 3 months out from a rhinoplasty with so far a great cosmetic result. The tip of the nose was refined and rotated and the bridge straightened, lowered, and narrowed. She gives a testimonial about the result. Watch her video at one month where she says she can breathe perfectly now and also at one week following rhinoplasty when her splint comes off.
Case #40934
This 37-year-old Hispanic gentleman is shown before and one year after rhinoplasty and gives his testimonial about his results.
Case #33830
This 38-year-old Indian woman tried to use fillers elsewhere to improve her nasal appearance without success. She underwent dissolving of her fillers then a cosmetic rhinoplasty in which her nasal hump was reduced, tip refined and slightly elevated, and overall proportions balanced for her face. She gives her testimonial of her results with Dr. Lam.
Case #33086
This 50-year-old Asian gentleman is shown before and one year after a revision rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. Before, he had a silicone implant that caused a contracted, distorted nasal tip as well as an under augmented nasal bridge that showed shrink wrapping of the implant. Dr. Lam rotated his nasal tip downward to camouflage his nostrils and to create a more masculine profile that was natural in appearance. He also corrected the asymmetric nostrils. He used diced rib cartilage with Tisseel to build the bridge and a caudal septal extension graft to define the nasal tip and to lower and lengthen the nasal tip in a secure way.
Case #27936
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 56-year-old Asian woman had a prior rhinoplasty performed elsewhere with a silicone implant and had 2 subsequent revisions. This was her fourth revision rhinoplasty showing a contracted nasal tip, asymmetry, and a tip to bridge ratio that did not look natural. She also had collapsing nasal walls during inspiration. She underwent removal of her prior implant, lateral turn-in flaps, lateral alar wall graft support, caudal septal extension graft to derotate and project her nasal tip, nasal sill reduction, a diced rib graft to rebuild the dorsum of her nose. She is shown before and 3 months after her surgery. She should continue to look better over time.
Case #21760
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 40-year-old woman is shown before and 16 months after a revision rhinoplasty. She was unhappy with the appearance of her nasal tip and she could not breathe from the left side of her nose. During the procedure a left spreader graft was placed so that now she can breathe well. She also had her previous nasal tip graft removed that was causing the distortion and asymmetry to her nasal tip. Her columella that was buckled was straightened. However, she does have a small residual deviation of the nasal tip that was not entirely corrected. She also had dice cartilage wrapped with mastoid fascia and placed onto the over-resected middle nasal vault. She also had her nasal bones realigned and straightened.
Case #22662
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty, Lip Reduction (Corrective and Ethnic)
This 34-year-old patient African-American gentleman is shown before and one week after a revision rhinoplasty/nose job and lip reduction. Of note, for his rhinoplasty, he underwent nasal hump reduction and osteotomies to lower the hump and to narrow the nose. He had his radix elevated with diced rib graft with Tisseel, lateral turn-in flaps to narrow the nose along with double-dome binding sutures and a caudal septal extension graft to create a stronger tip and to elevate a sagging nose. He also could not breathe well and now has perfect breathing.
Case #14544
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose)
This A Photo Of A Woman Who Underwent Previous Rhinoplasty Leading To An Over Resected, Over Scooped And Collapsed Nose. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14577
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This 16 Year Old Boy Sustained A Nasal Fracture When He Was Much Younger With A Resultant Saddle Nose Deformity. He Is Shown After Reconstruction Of The Nose Using Ear And Nasal Cartilage. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #17308
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
This woman underwent a revision (corrective) rhinoplasty with Dr. Sam Lam after experiencing a failed attempt at previous rhinoplasty. She is shown before and after her surgery that required a hump reduction, tip refinement, and tongue-in-groove technique to improve the relationship between the ala and the columella (hanging columella).
Case #14571
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Male Rhinoplasty Photo (Traumatic Nose Injury & Bulbous Nasal Tip)
This Photo Shows A Man Who Sustained A Traumatic Nose Injury In Youth And Is Shown With A Crooked Nose As Well As An Unaesthetic, Bulbous Nasal Tip. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14574
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Revision Nose Surgery Photo
The Photo Of This Gentleman Sustained Injury To His Nose In The Past And Required Revision Nose Surgery To Improve Both His Breathing And His Nasal Appearance. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14580
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This Woman Underwent Previous Rhinoplasty With A Resulting Pinched, Collapsed, And Unnatural Look. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14547
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Traumatic Nose Injury)
The Photo Of This Woman Sustained A Traumatic Nose Injury In Youth And Is Shown With A Crooked Nose As Well As An Unaesthetic, Bulbous Nasal Tip. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14552
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma)
This Young Man Underwent 3 Prior Rhinoplasties To Correct His Deviated Nasal Bridge From Previous Trauma, All Without Success. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14588
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty
This Young Lady Sustained A Volleyball Accident That Led To An Even Larger Hump Than What She Already Had. Preserving A Strong Dorsal Profile But Reducing This Large Hump Softens Her Appearance And Gives Her More Of A Feminine Look That Is Completely Natural In Appearance. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14558
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Saddle Nose Deformity From Injury)
This Young Man Sustained An Injury To His Nose When He Was A Boy Playing Hockey. He Had Collapse Of The Central Third Of His Nose (A Saddle Nose Deformity). Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14561
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Female Rhinoplasty Photo (Collapsed Nose From Trauma)
This Young Hispanic Lady Shows Both A Collapsed Nose From Previous Trauma As Well As An Unaesthetic Nasal Tip. She Also Could Not Breathe Well On Her Right Side. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14566
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Buckled Deformity Of Middle Nasal Vault From Trauma)
This Woman Sustained Major Trauma To The Nose Creating A Buckled Deformity Of Her Middle Nasal Vault (The Upper Lateral Cartilages). Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14555
Revision/Corrective Rhinoplasty
Corrective Rhinoplasty Photo (Crooked Nose Deformity From A Previous Traumatic Injury)
This Young Man Exhibits A Crooked Nose Deformity From A Previous Traumatic Injury. He Underwent Open Reduction Of His Nasal Fracture And Shows A Straighter Nasal Profile. Of Note, His Breathing Is Also Significantly Improved. Corrective Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #31452
Take a look at this 23-year-old female patient’s results after Rhinoplasty & Chin Implant procedure. She looks great at just 3 weeks out.
Case #31295
21-year-old Asian woman who is shown before and 1 month after cosmetic rhinoplasty that provided subtle but dramatic improvement in the balance of her nose.
Case #33909
This is a subtle revision rhinoplasty result seen better on closeup. The patient did not like how the tip was too rounded without definition (a unitip) (better seen from oblique view) and the deviation to the bridge (better seen from frontal view) as well as the fact that the tip was slightly too large for the bridge (better seen from oblique and side views). Dr. Lam underwent a revision rhinoplasty for her to separate her nasal tip to create more definition and refinement and straightened her nasal bridge along with raising the bridge slightly to match the nasal tip size. She is shown before and 5 months after surgery. She should have ongoing improvement over this year.
Case #30968
This 19-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and one year and a half following a rhinoplasty/nose job.
Case #27871
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 34-year-old Asian patient is shown before and one week after her cosmetic rhinoplasty with Dr. Lam. She had nasal-tip refinement with a caudal septal extension graft, lateral turn-in flaps, domal sutures, and bridge elevation and refinement with diced rib graft with Tisseel. She also had a nasal-sill reduction to narrow her nostrils.
Case #21539
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This woman is shown before and one month after rhinoplasty to correct a deviated nasal bridge, deviated nasal tip, broad and boxy nasal tip, hanging columella, overprojected (too long) and underrotated (too low) nasal tip. She had a rhinoplasty that involved shaving the asymmetric nasal bones, reducing the fullness of her nasal tip through a cephalic trim and double dome binding sutures anchored, straightened, shortened, angled and stabilized with a caudal septal extension graft.
Case #22089
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 27-year-old rhinoplasty patient is shown before and 5 months afterward. She had a hump reduction, asymmetric nostril correction, nasal tip refinement, and hanging columella correction using a tongue-in-groove technique. Of note, she had a traumatic scar on the bridge of her nose that she did not want changed.
Case #22165
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 42-year-old African-American woman is shown before and one week after rhinoplasty. Dr. Lam performed a tongue-in-groove technique to elevate her nasal tip securely and predictably along with a nasal-hump removal and nasal-tip refinement. There is still considerable swelling in the nose, especially in the nasal tip area, that will continue to dissipate in the coming weeks.
Case #22233
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 37-year-old Asian woman is shown before and 1 week after rhinoplasty. She had diced cadaveric rib graft with Tisseel for the nasal bridge, rasp of a small hump on the nasal bridge, lateral turn-in grafts for the nasal tip, a double dome-binding suture, tip graft, a caudal septal extension graft to stabilize and project the nasal tip with improvement in the columellar shape, and a nasal sill reduction to improve the nostril width. A lot of the details of his nasal enhancement will become more evident over time.
Case #21836
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Chin Augmentation, Facelift/Neck Lift
This 49-year-old woman is shown before and one year after deep-plane facelift, chin augmentation, rhinoplasty, and dissolving her overdone cheek fillers. Of note, she could not breathe from her left nostril despite a straight septum but had a left spreader graft placed to substantially improve her breathing. She had a small nasal dorsal hump reduction, tip rotation, refinement, and projection.
Case #21364
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This gentleman is shown before and after revision rhinoplasty to correct a nasal hump that was not fixed after his prior rhinoplasty.
Case #20856
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
The patient is shown before and 6 months following cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty. After the procedure, you can see the dorsal hump has been reduced, the radix portion of the bridge elevated to shorten the appearance of the nose, the angle of the nasal tip slightly elevated but still at a masculine angle, and the nostril show improved from the profile view. The key with male rhinoplasty is to preserve and enhance the masculine appearance of the nose.
Case #21379
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 27-year-old Hispanic man is shown before and one month after rhinoplasty in which the nasal bridge was raised and narrowed with a carved and shaped Gore-Tex implant where most of the height was placed into the radix (upper portion of the bridge) along with nasal tip refinement by narrowing the tip through a cephalic trim and double-dome binding sutures, extending the nasal tip using a strong caudal septal extension graft and onlay tip graft and narrowing the base of the nose with a nasal sill reduction.
Case #21743
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 63-year-old gentleman is shown before and one month after rhinophyma reduction of his nose for a condition that he has experienced for many years that had failed dermatologic therapy. Of note, he was unable to breathe due to the weight of his nose before surgery and now after surgery is able to completely breathe. He also gives a testimonial about his experience and his results in a related YouTube video. Given the fact that he is only one month out from surgery he has a slight bit more of healing to the skin that he has to undergo.
Case #16081
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This is an 18-year-old woman who desired to bring down the hump and refine the tip of her nose.
Case #14475
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Male Mestizo Hispanic Rhinoplasty
This Hispanic Male Patient Exhibits A Mestizo Type Nose With Strong Indigenous Indian Features. He Shows Thick Skin And A Strong Dorsal Convexity With A Relatively Retruded Nasal Tip. He Underwent A Reduction Rhinoplasty To His Nasal Bridge But Augmentation And Projection To His Nasal Tip Appearance For Overall Balance To His Nose. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #17280
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This 40-year-old woman is shown before and after rhinoplasty (nose job) to improve a bifid and downturned nasal tip and a modest nasal hump (or dorsal convexity).
Case #16263
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This is a 30-year-old woman who was interested in refining her nose. She is shown 4 months after her surgery.
Case #14491
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Female Bangladeshi Rhinoplasty
This Bangladeshi Woman Desired To Make Her Nose Look More Refined. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14449
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary (Hispanic Woman) Rhinoplasty Photo
This Photo Is A Classic Mestizo Nose Of Hispanic Descent With A Blend Of African, Caucasian, And Asian Features Depending On The Heritage Of A Particular Individual. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #16532
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Eyelid Rejuvenation
This woman underwent a facelift, rhinoplasty, facial and hand fat graft, and upper blepharoplasty and is shown before and after her procedure.
Case #19914
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This African-American man had a battery in his nose as a child that caused a saddle nose collapse. He underwent a nasal reconstruction and cosmetic rhinoplasty in which he had the bridge elevated with Gore-Tex and tip reconstructed with cartilage along with a conservative alar-base reduction. He is shown 5 months after the rhinoplasty.
Case #16383
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This is a 47-year-old man shown 7 months after having a chin implant and rhinoplasty surgery.
Case #16371
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
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This is an 18-year-old woman who is shown 3 months after having a rhinoplasty.
Case #14406
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Rhinoplasty (Hispanic Female) Photo
This Hispanic Woman Has A Hump That Is Principally Situated Up High But That Extends To The Bottom Of Her Nose. Her Nasal Tip Was Broad, Under Rotated, And Under Projected. She Had The Hump Reduced And Nasal Tip Refined With Added Projection Achieved. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #16024
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Facelift/Neck Lift, Skin Resurfacing
This 54-year-old woman is shown before and after a rhinoplasty, fat transfer, laser skin resurfacing, and facelift.
Case #14409
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Lip Augmentation / Lip Enhancement
Nasal Hump Reduction And Nasal Tip Refinement Photo
The Photo Of This Young Lady Underwent A Conservative Hump Reduction And Nasal Tip Refinement. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
She also underwent Lip Enhancement.
Case #14412
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Female Rhinoplasty Photo
The Photo Of This Young Lady Shows A Slightly Less Feminine Nose With A Downturn Of The Nasal Tip, A Broadly Configured Nasal Tip Shape, And A Slight Hump Of Her Nose Bridge. There Is Also A Slight Deviation Of Her Bridge To The Left. She Looks More Feminine And Softer Following Rhinoplasty. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #13767
Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary, Hispanic, Female Rhinoplasty
Patient Had A Concurrent Cosmetic Rhinoplasty In Addition To Fat Transfer To Improve Her Profile Appearance. Fat Transfer Procedure Photos By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14417
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
African American Rhinoplasty Photo
This Photo of An African American Woman Who Desired Subtle but Distinct Change in Her Appearance Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure by Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14422
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Rhinoplasty
This Young Lady Demonstrates A Large Nasal Hump That Extends From The Top Of Her Bridge To Her Nasal Tip That Was Reduced As Well As A Bifid (Boxy) Nasal Tip That Was Also Refined. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14427
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty
This Middle Eastern Lady Shows A Prominent Bridge And Tip That Appears Overly Ethnic. By Softening Her Features, She Looks More Proportionate And Feminine. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14433
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Hispanic Rhinoplasty
This Young Hispanic Lady Shows A Very Prominent Dorsal Hump But Wished To Preserve Her Ethnicity. She Is Shown With A Softer Nasal Profile That Provides More Balance To Her Face. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam.
Case #14436
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
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Primary Rhinoplasty (Dorsal Hump And Bulbous Nasal Tip) Photo
Case #14441
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Rhinoplasty Photo (Nasal Bridge Hump, Overprojected Nasal Tip With Under Rotated Hanging Columella)
This Woman In This Photo Is Shown From The Frontal And Profile Views. She Exhibits A Relatively Large Hump Of The Nasal Bridge As Well As A Nasal Tip That Is Overprojected Under Rotated With A Hanging Columella. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14446
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Male Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty For A Man Aims For An Entirely Different Objective Than That For A Woman. The Masculine Features Of A Nasal Hump And Strong Nasal Tip Should Not Be Entirely Removed. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14452
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This Young Lady Exhibits A Classic “Tension Nose” Deformity In Which Every Part Of Her Nose Is Overgrown. Usually The Nasal Septum (The Cartilaginous Partition That Divides The Inside Of The Nose) Is Overgrown In All Directions. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14455
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Primary Rhinophyma Rhinoplasty
This Gentleman Exhibits A Different Type Of Nasal Deformity Known As Rhinophyma, Which Represents An End Stage Condition Of Untreated Acne Rosacea. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14458
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Aging Nose Rhinoplasty Photo
This Photo Shows A Gentleman With A Condition Of Aging Nose Deformity In Which The Elastic Tissue That Holds The Cartilages Of The Nose Begins To Separate And Weaken. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #14478
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
Rhinoplasty Left Profile
This 41 Year Old Caucasian Woman Was Concerned About The Profile Of Her Nose And The Nasal Tip Depression. This Was A Conservative And Subtle Change Which Really Made A Difference. Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure By Dr Samuel Lam
Case #16427
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This is a 45-year-old woman who is shown 4 months after a rhinoplasty for cosmetic and functional problems of not breathing.
Case #16308
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job
This is a 43-year-old male who had an alar base reduction and is shown 2 months after his surgery.
Case #16315
Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Botox
This is a 34-year-old woman who is shown two and a half years after having a rhinoplasty.
Also, she has been having Botox done to correct her gummy smile. She is shown after her Botox has already worn off.