Flow and Passion in Facial Plastic Surgery

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi came up with the concept of flow, the time when skills and passion intersect and the person gets lost in his work.  Think of a great sports player who is completely in sync with his work.  That flow is what drives me deeply.  I am entranced with facial plastic surgery, and my work supports my passion.  I aim always to get better because I love what I do.  I am driven by that.  I always say when you are meeting a surgeon for the first time, look in his or her eyes and see what stares back at you.  If you see no passion in his or her eyes, leave.  If you are focused on the deep passion in your heart for what you do, you cannot help but deliver excellent work (if you have sufficient talent to support that passion) and you cannot help but continue to excel.  My patients always wonder why does Dr. Lam have again something new and better when last year it was already pretty darn good.  The answer is flow and passion.  I am constantly looking to improve my game, get better, and deliver better results.  It is a never ending journey of improvement for you, my dear patient.

Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS is a board certified plastic surgeon in Dallas, Texas, specializing in facial plastic surgery procedures. For more info, or to schedule a consultation please call 972.312.8188. If you would like to ask Dr Lam a question please visit our Plastic Surgery Forum.