Aging Nose Rhinoplasty – Why Is It Important

This audio podcast has been transcribed using an automated service. Please forgive any typographic errors or other transcription flaws. This podcast is a podcast to continue this series on psychology, because psychology is such a huge part of facial cosmetic work. You know, I always say I don’t treat cancer or heart disease. I treat something very elusive, which is beauty, youthfulness, femininity, masculinity, proportion, attractiveness. And these things obviously are in the eye of the beholder, but also something that you have to be happy with. So if you are not happy as an individual, no matter what I do may not make you happy. So one thing that my mentor always taught me is happiness comes from within it. Doesn’t come from another surgeon, doesn’t come from external factors. And there’s something that as a motivating factor, you can sort of divide into internal motivating factors and external motivating factors. External motivating factors would be like, I want to get married. I want to, get a raise, and a job versus internal motivating factors may be, Hey, I just want to feel better about myself. I don’t like a hundred percent the way I look and there’s been some thought that internal motivating factors actually may lead to a greater satisfaction than external motivating factors. But in my opinion, it’s not always the case. It’s such a complicated issue with this whole thing that I don’t want to tell you definitively it’s one or the other and along the idea of self perception of how you see yourself there, his body dysmorphic disorder, which is an extreme case, we’re going to actually have a separate podcast dedicated to body dysmorphic disorder. And we all may have levels of body dysmorphic disorder, but self perception is something very, very important of how we hold ourselves and regard or self regard people that come to me if they have a downcast eye and they’re not looking at me and they look very, very sad and they’re not feeling good about life. I don’t know if my work will be able to overcome that if someone has depression, as someone’s sad and expects a facelift rhinoplasty, whatever, to make them a hundred percent different individual, they’re putting too much emphasis and weight on what I can do as a surgeon. However, if someone says, look, I have realistic expectations. I don’t like the way I look. I know I feel a lot better if I could have these things changed, then that person seems reasonable. In other words, if they’re already a happy individual and want to be happier potentially, or to look better than I think that that happiness comes from within not from what I can offer them, I can only offer them so much and I can deliver amazing results where they look 20 years younger, where their nose has a huge hump that maybe even deforming that looks better, or they have a big scar across their face. And I can remove that scar, you know, or they have an unnaturally overfilled cheek that needs to be balanced and afterwards he looks so much better. But I always liked the concept of self perception begins with one’s own happiness, not from me.

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